Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday Evening

Our traditional Sunday evening outing came with a twist this week. Mrs. L4T and I decided that a stop the Bullseye in Verndale was in order, and had supper there instead of Staples. Of course, the knowledge that no westbound trains showed up anywhere past Gregory played no part in this decision. I would never let something like "getting supper out of the way before the trains show up" enter into the logic about where to eat.

Anyway, while we enjoyed a pleasant meal, I got to watch an eastbound ballast train pass. That was the only traffic, and after supper it turned out a coal empty had the light to come off the Brainerd sub. Since the timing was so convenient, I decided a photo from the Dower Lake crossing was in order.

The next train was still on the other side of Lincoln, so we ventured down to Philbrook with the hope of catching him there and giving chase. We waited less than 10 minutes before this suspected Becker empty showed up.

As soon as the train passed we were off to the races. I was able to see his tail end pass the 6th Street crossing in Staples and so knew I would have no trouble beating him to the sag at Verndale. With a little time to set up, I climbed all the way up on the roof of the Escape to get this shot. I'm sure the train crew is still laughing, or wondering, about the crazy who was standing on the vehicle roof as the train passed.

Spotted a couple of more eastbounds, but no shots of them. It was a fine evening to spend some time looking for trains along the Staples Sub.


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