After my meeting, I started for home about 3:15 PM under cloudy but not rainy skies. Just as i was leaving the office, I heard an eastbound blowing the crossings in Perham. This gave me hope I might be able to catch him in the 20 miles between Perham and Wadena, but it was not to be.
Headlights were peering around the corner to the east when I crossed the tracks in town. I reached the edge of town just as a coal empty behind three H2 MAC's was roaring up the hill. It was nice to see a matched set of power, as coal is often behind some mix of MAC's in exec or H2 paint, GEVO's, and/or ACe's.

Resuming the homeward trek, I set the cruise just above the speed limit and headed east. A glance to the east from the overpass again revealed headlights peering from the overcast. Just east of the overpass I picked my way through the ditch without getting wet and shot a matching pair of GEVO's on WEPX empties.

And that was the end of the trains for today. The real trains, at least. Today was also the day the Fed Ex man showed up at look4trains world headquarters with the latest treasure from ebay. I may post some pix this weekend.
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