Happy birthday to look4trains.com. This is birthday number 4, and I think post number 377.

So what happened over the last 12 months? Some events that I remember:
-Outside Red Wing, on a hot summer evening
-My Ebro introduction
-One of many photos that were made following a heads up from Jer
-Entertainment, courtesy of the Wadena Local crew
-The day I got a lash of 7 '40's facing the sun
-Due to the lack of snow, we had to settle for frost
-The day we explored the jungle-also known as the day of VR2K11. The entire day was awesome, even without westbounds. Can't wait for the bigger and better VR2K12, less than two months away now!
One thing I noticed in going through the posts-there are a lot more on modeling than ever before. Modeling is becoming a more important part of my life, and that has led to a reduction in railfanning. I'm not sure if this is good or bad (it's expensive!) but I enjoy it. Railfanning has been and will continue to be a big part of my life, but that section of the Staples Sub between Staples and Perham is getting worn out for me, unless the train, the company, or the weather/light are out of the ordinary.
According to Google Analytics, this blog has entertained more than 50,000 page views. My hope is that those visitors have enjoyed reading it at least a fraction as much as I have enjoyed sharing it. If they did, they have had a blast. I'm betting I will be writing another one of these in a year.
Thanks to everyone who visits this blog.
cool blog, lubisz transformers?