We nearly made it before I was surprised by a train of what looked like crude oil cars that I hadn't seen on the ATCS before leaving home. One thing about ATCS, sometimes you THINK you know what's going on, but you really DON'T. For example, this train had come off the Brainerd Sub and snuck up on me. Which is kind of entertaining sometimes, in itself. Anyway, back to the Dower Lake Road for a shot as the three AC units accelerated the train out of town.

Last time I was in Duluth, a few weeks ago, it seemed that there were a bunch of these cars in Rice's Point Yard. I rememeber thinking at the time that they were likely intended for crude service, cycling between western ND and the refinery down south. Since these had no placards, I figure they were making their maiden voyage in this service.

It turned out the Spot was still on winter hours, so we diverted to the DQ. There was one more westbound in range, down around the Darling area when we ate, so after supper, we settled into a spot near the east crossing in Staples for the short wait until this showed up.

That trailing MAC has one ugly peach colored paint job. I nominate it to be "wedgified". The crew on that train gave a friendly wave, so I thought we may as well run them down for a second shot. In order to get a little different angle, we travelled a little further toward Aldrich for this shot.

After one more run through Staples, it seemed like time to head back home and upload some photos. So that's all the shots I have for tonight. Hope you enjoy them.