Last Tuesday required the trek to Virginia, and I shot a couple of cloudy train pictures on the way over. While I spent three days on the range, the sore back referred to earlier overcame any desire to railfan, and the clouds managed to tamp down that tiny remaining flicker of desire. So no CN shots from this trip.
Thursday was a decent day in Virginia, but Mrs. L4T had informed me that the same was not true in Wadena. The trip home was mostly rain free until reaching Brainerd, where the skies started to become threatening and the windshield wipers started seeing intermittent use. The closer I got to home, the darker it got. My mind was mulling the possibility of a photo capturing the look, and when I got to Staples a coal train in the yard called out to be included in the shot.

That's an approximation of what it actually looked like late Thursday afternoon. It's the best I can do with what I had to work with.
Anyway, the gloom continued as I drove the last few miles to Wadena. A couple of tiny blue spots offered hope for some sunlight but it was vain hope. Arriving at the grade crossing on 1st Street East, the signal was lit for an eastbound and I stepped out of the Escape to shoot him as he passed. Here's the result:

That's my take from the drive home. I may try and post the cloudy shots from Tuesday, or maybe not. Anyway, hopefully this lets you know I am still alive and kicking, and with any luck this back will heal and I'll be at full strength again.
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