For starters, a grain train and loaded DEEX coal train were both sitting front of the yard office. I shot them, with the DPU on the coal taking fuel, from the crossing near the power plant. There's even another SD peering around the nose of the GE.

After pulling ahead a few hundred feet the SD in the previous shot is revealed, along with a sister engine still in Cascade Green. Lot's of SD's around Willmar on this day.

There were a couple of more classics further up in the yard but no shots. Next stop was near the loco servicing area, where my first victim was this GP50, which must have misbehaved and been given a time out.

And another trio of GP's, including a pair of GP30 carbodies that show you can patch your former BN's darn near any way you want, was just a short walk down the boulevard.

And still another GP, this time a former Santa Fe unit, sunning itself on a lovely afternoon.

And just a block or so down the yard, more 6 axle power, this time a pair of Dash 9's leading one of the prettiest SD40-2's Willmar has ever seen.

Darn shame it was front coupled and backlit under high sun.

In all I believe I counted 17 units in Willmar, all of them sitting. Seems there were 3 MAC's (I only shot 1 of them), an NS GE that I didn't shoot, 3 BNSF Dash 9's, at least 5 SD40-2 rebuilds, and 5 GP's. The variety in paint schemes was equally diverse, and the only things missing were GEVO's, ACe's, and switchers.
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