I'm trying to split my time between working on the rest of the train room installing ceiling tile and lights, and working on phase one of the layout. The layout won the last couple of days. I've been drilling holes for turnout controls, gluing down track, painting track, cleaning track, soldering feeders, and sometimes playing with trains. Thought I would share a couple of shots of what a layout under construction looks like at my house. First, the east end:
And here is the west end:
I titled these "Paper Mill/Dog Food Factory". Not with the intent of feeding the dogs paper, but rather, I am having a time deciding what industry this should be. I figure that a dog food factory needs grain, and would give me the excuse to deliver a few covered hoppers in some exotic paint schemes. Heaven knows I have them. Then again, the kaolin cars would look good at a paper mill.
Decisions, decisions. At least I have made one-the 19 degree crossing I was planning on using earlier is gone, replaced by moving a turnout into a different location. It seems to work OK for operating the layout. Time will tell if it was a good change or not.
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