We just finished our sandwiches when a headlight popped up to the east, and since the overcast was still pretty thick in Wadena, I opted to head west in hopes of finding a flash of sun. The clouds broke up enough to allow a shot at the CR 143 curve west of Bluffton.

I decided to chase him a bit further west to see if I could get another shot since the Staples Sub ATCS looked dead. I intended to try the curve at Perham but made a last second decision to shoot him against the oak woods a couple of miles east of there.

I liked this location, and remember sitting here for a couple of hours one night in the hopes that a train would pass by. Not so long ago I had no scanner or ATCS and there was a lot more mystery to railfanning. Sometimes I miss those innocent days.
After we got home, a glance at the computer told me that a train was coming off the Brainerd Sub. I deicded to listen and see what the power was when he cleared up his Brainerd Sub warrant. Turns out it was a 9200 series ACe so I informed the Mrs. I was headed uptown for a try at that train as well.
The clouds were just as thick near Wadena as they had been earlier, with rare peeks of sun. I hoped to get one to light the nose of the oncoming empty coal train but no such luck. I had to shoot him anyway, though, when I saw 5 big EMD's on the head end.

I darn near packed up and left immediately, but decided to wait for some reason. Sure enough, even with all the head end power, there was a working DPU on the back of the train-another ACe. Seems like they are becoming a bit more common again.

That's it for tonights entry-trains were a bit scarce, but still worth looking for.
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